Gleditsia triacanthos
Seedlings from a thornless variety of a fast-growing, adaptable, soil-building tree. It can be planted in a variety of settings and for several purposes. It is known in particular for silvopasture applications and can increase grass production through dappled shade and soil improvement. It can quickly provide shade, tolerates salt and pollution, and produces pods that have an edible sweet green flesh. The pods also have small, protein-filled beans, and can be a nutritious forage for livestock (although their digestibility is still being debated). Native pollinators flock to its flowers in the spring and it hosts the larvae of the Silver Spotted Skipper as well as many other larvae of moths and butterflies. Its small, delicate-looking leaves turn a bright yellow in the fall.
Check out our blog post – Honey Locust – Loved by Livestock and People Alike
Zone: 3-9 (Map)
Habitat: Can tolerate a large range of soils, including moderate drought and flooding. Full sun.
Growth: 60 ft tall, 40 ft at maturity.