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In the table below, filter plant products by Category (Trees & Shrubs, Perennial Wildflowers) or Tag (e.g., Agroforestry, Climate-Resilient, Pollinator-Friendly, etc.) using the drop-down menus above the table. Click on product name to link to product pages with additional information. 

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Apple, Antonovka
Malus pumila var. Antonovka

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsPollinator-Friendly, Agroforestry, Edible, Wildlife Habitat, Fruits

In stock

pollinator-friendly agroforestry edible wildlife-habitat fruitsbare-root trees-shrubs
Apple, Grafted
Malus domestica

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsEdible, Ornamental/Landscaping, Fruits

In stock

edible ornamental-landscaping fruitsbare-root trees-shrubs
Cephalanthus occidentalis

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsPollinator-Friendly, Native, Riparian/Wetland, Wildlife Habitat, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

pollinator-friendly native riparian-wetland wildlife-habitat ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs
Chestnut, Hybrid
Castanea spp.

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsNuts, Agroforestry, Climate-Resilient, Edible, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

nuts agroforestry climate-resilient edible wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Prunus virginiana

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsOrnamental/Landscaping, Hedgerows, Fruits, Pollinator-Friendly, Climate-Resilient, Edible, Native, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

ornamental-landscaping hedgerows fruits pollinator-friendly climate-resilient edible native wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Currant, Black (Titania)
Ribes nigrum

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsFruits, Agroforestry, Edible, Medicinal, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

fruits agroforestry edible medicinal ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs
Dogwood, Red Osier
Swida sericea

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsRiparian/Wetland, Wildlife Habitat, Ornamental/Landscaping, Hedgerows, Pollinator-Friendly, Native

In stock

riparian-wetland wildlife-habitat ornamental-landscaping hedgerows pollinator-friendly nativebare-root trees-shrubs
Dogwood, Silky
Swida amomum

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsNative, Riparian/Wetland, Wildlife Habitat, Hedgerows

In stock

native riparian-wetland wildlife-habitat hedgerowsbare-root trees-shrubs
Eastern Redbud
Cercis canadensis

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsPollinator-Friendly, Climate-Resilient, Edible, Native, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

pollinator-friendly climate-resilient edible native ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs
Sambucus canadensis

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsMedicinal, Ornamental/Landscaping, Fruits, Pollinator-Friendly, Edible, Native, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

medicinal ornamental-landscaping fruits pollinator-friendly edible native wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Crataegus phaenopyrum

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsOrnamental/Landscaping, Hedgerows, Fruits, Pollinator-Friendly, Edible, Native, Wildlife Habitat, Medicinal

In stock

ornamental-landscaping hedgerows fruits pollinator-friendly edible native wildlife-habitat medicinalbare-root trees-shrubs
Hazelnut, American
Corylus americana

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsEdible, Native, Wildlife Habitat, Ornamental/Landscaping, Hedgerows, Nuts, Climate-Resilient

In stock

edible native wildlife-habitat ornamental-landscaping hedgerows nuts climate-resilientbare-root trees-shrubs
Hazelnut, Hybrid
Corylus spp.

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsWildlife Habitat, Ornamental/Landscaping, Hedgerows, Nuts, Agroforestry, Climate-Resilient, Edible, Native

In stock

wildlife-habitat ornamental-landscaping hedgerows nuts agroforestry climate-resilient edible nativebare-root trees-shrubs
Mulberry, Red
Morus rubra

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsClimate-Resilient, Edible, Native, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

climate-resilient edible native wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Physocarpus opulifolius

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsHedgerows, Pollinator-Friendly, Native, Riparian/Wetland, Wildlife Habitat, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

hedgerows pollinator-friendly native riparian-wetland wildlife-habitat ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs
Oak, Black
Quercus velutina

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsNuts, Climate-Resilient, Edible, Native, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

nuts climate-resilient edible native wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Pear, Grafted
Pyrus spp.

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsClimate-Resilient, Edible, Ornamental/Landscaping, Fruits

In stock

climate-resilient edible ornamental-landscaping fruitsbare-root trees-shrubs
Amelanchier canadensis

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsEdible, Native, Ornamental/Landscaping, Pollinator-Friendly

In stock

edible native ornamental-landscaping pollinator-friendlybare-root trees-shrubs
Lindera benzoin

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsWildlife Habitat, Medicinal, Ornamental/Landscaping, Pollinator-Friendly, Agroforestry, Edible, Native, Riparian/Wetland

In stock

wildlife-habitat medicinal ornamental-landscaping pollinator-friendly agroforestry edible native riparian-wetlandbare-root trees-shrubs
Staghorn Sumac
Rhus typhina

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsHedgerows, Pollinator-Friendly, Native, Wildlife Habitat, Medicinal, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

hedgerows pollinator-friendly native wildlife-habitat medicinal ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs
Viburnum, Arrowwood
Viburnum dentatum

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsNative, Riparian/Wetland, Ornamental/Landscaping, Pollinator-Friendly

In stock

native riparian-wetland ornamental-landscaping pollinator-friendlybare-root trees-shrubs
Walnut, Carpathian
Juglans regia

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsAgroforestry, Edible, Wildlife Habitat, Nuts

In stock

agroforestry edible wildlife-habitat nutsbare-root trees-shrubs
Walnut, Heartnut
Juglans ailantifolia var. Cordiformis

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsNuts, Agroforestry, Edible, Wildlife Habitat, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

nuts agroforestry edible wildlife-habitat ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs
Willow, Pussy
Salix discolor

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsHedgerows, Climate-Resilient, Native, Riparian/Wetland, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

hedgerows climate-resilient native riparian-wetland wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Willow, Sandbar
Salix interior

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsHedgerows, Climate-Resilient, Native, Riparian/Wetland, Wildlife Habitat

In stock

hedgerows climate-resilient native riparian-wetland wildlife-habitatbare-root trees-shrubs
Witch Hazel
Hamamelis virginiana

Bare-Root, Trees & ShrubsHedgerows, Pollinator-Friendly, Native, Wildlife Habitat, Medicinal, Ornamental/Landscaping

In stock

hedgerows pollinator-friendly native wildlife-habitat medicinal ornamental-landscapingbare-root trees-shrubs